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atari breakout javascript: atari breakout Code Example


The implementation for the bricks may have ended up somewhat complicated, and it’s possible a normal List would have sufficed. But I knew I wanted to adjust things like the hitCount and color for specific rows or bricks, and using a Dict made that a little easier. The other thing you might have noticed is that I added hitCount and hitThreshold fields. This allows for setting some breaks as “hard” bricks that take multiple hits to break. The rows of breakable bricks at the top of the screen were the most important feature, so naturally I procrastinated on implementing them. To play the music, I use the howler.js JavaScript library.

If you’re interested in seeing more of the specifics of how the particle effects are implemented, check out the Breakout.elm file in the source code. The elm-particle package documentation also has some fun examples of how to use it for fun things like water and fireworks. Next, I wanted to add some particle effects to the game. Particles are usually things like fireworks, explosions, smoke, etc. I already had the screen shake working, but I thought it would be cool to create an explosion of particles when the ball collided with a brick. A screen shake is one of those features where you kind of don’t notice it’s there, but you can “feel” it when you play.

  • I left those out of Breakout, but I wanted to add some background music.
  • Although they are also visible to all internet users, no one will have the power to get through them.
  • If the ball lands on the right half and was moving towards the right, then we want it to be reflected towards the right, and vice versa.
  • This is a basic implementation of the Atari Breakout game, but it’s missing a few things intentionally and they’re left as further exploration for the reader.
  • Add this code inside your createBall function so that it gets checked every time the ball’s position changes.

We add 2px to the width so there’s a small gap between each brick. We also add 10px at the end so the bricks in the first column will have a 10px left margin. We also set the width and height of each brick to the constants that we defined previously.

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If the x-value of the ball’s falls below or equal to zero, we’ll inverse its x speed. We’ll do the same if the ball’s x-value exceeds the width of the canvas. The windowHeight corresponds to the bottom of our screen, so we set alive to false if the bottom of the ball exceeds that y-value.

If you find yourself struggling with a certain it is a good idea to reverse course and try something new. Maybe your favorite features or power-ups are making it harder to beat that level for whatever reason. In that case, it might be a good idea to try something new. But for most of us if the ball is careening wildly across the screen it will be a sure sign of disaster. If you would prefer to watch a video about how to hack Atari breakout instead of reading it you can do that in the video below. Lastly, we have to update our draw() function with these new functions.

It’s used commonly in games, but proved surprisingly hard to find for browser games. In the last blog post, I buried the links to the playable demo and the source code all the way at the bottom of the post. It was my devious intention to force everyone to take hours of their precious time to scroll through my shoddy writing. This time, I’ll link to them here in case you want to try the game out before reading on. The original goal for these blog posts was to share step-by-step tutorials of how to recreate classic games. But the intent has evolved into sharing some interesting notes, ideas, and takeaways about the process of building these games.


But the next game I’m going to focus on building is the classic game Adventure. And my plan is to hopefully incorporate both 2D and 3D features if I can get it all figured out. For Breakout, I used a custom Vector type, but for the next games I work with I’ll likely use the elm-explorations/linear-algebra package. Khan Academy also has great lessons on Linear Algebra if you’re looking to learn more. In the past, I had tinkered with creating some custom “chiptune” style music using programs like PICO-8 and Bosca Ceoil.


Beyond the gameplay itself, Breakout has an interesting history. Before Steve Jobs went on to found some company called Apple, he worked on Breakout at Atari. The story goes that he would invite his friend Steve Wozniak, who worked at Hewlett-Packard, to help him design and build the game. I find it fascinating to think that Breakout had some influence on the design of the Apple II computer, given its place in the history of computing.

We set the text size to 20 and draw it to the canvas using the text() function. The first argument is the text, and the last two are the x and y positions of the text box. Create the p5.js draw() function, set the background to black using background(), and display the bricks if we’re alive. When we press the arrow keys to move our paddle, we need to let our program know if a key is currently being pressed down so we can move it accordingly.

We’re using a template literal to represent our score, which is a formating tool that lets us combine strings and variables. Anything between the backticks is a string, and if a variable is needed, it can be placed between the curly braces with a dollar sign in front. Our coordinates place the text in the top-middle of the screen. // Inverse the y-speed of the ball so it bounces off the ceiling.

Well, you better be, because below is the step-by-step method to hack the game. As mentioned earlier you can get power-ups that will help you be more likely to beat a level. One of these power-ups that you should always try to get is the one that increases the paddle’s size. To know everything about Google’s classic game Atari breakout follow these steps to get into the game. Gone are the days when we used to play the Atari Breakout game known as Pong. The game was initially released in April 1976 and got the attention of many young people.

When was Atari Breakout released?

We should also keep track of when we have lost the game so we can display a “game over” screen. We can represent this in some boolean variables, which will be used later. The WIDTHand HEIGHT constants store the dimensions of the board. When the ball passes the BOTTOM_EDGE, the game is over. The INIT_PADDLE_X and INIT_PADDLE_Yare initial coordinates of the paddle object.


The outer loop will represent each row, while the inner loop will represent the brick within each column that resides in the current row that is being iterated. We can use our window dimensions and our numbers of rows and columns to calculate the width and height of our bricks. Before starting with the game’s functionality, we need to create a basic structure to render the game inside.

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The HTML document structure is quite simple, as the game renders on the element. The only other part that we need to worry about is the button that starts the game. The ball won’t show up until you press space to launch the ball.

I already had most of the core components of the game figured out like the ball, paddle, and game window. With the basic mechanics in place, I’d be able to focus on other fun features like particle effects, pixel art, animation, music, etc.). The last thing we have to add to our drawBall() function is brick collision. We’ll use the .forEach() method to iterate over our bricks array to check if the ball collided with it. If it did, we’ll reverse the ball’s y-speed and remove that specific brick from the array using .splice().

As work for them gets hectic with coding and editing, this is a way for them to take a short break and increase production as well as have a healthy work environment. While playing, you don’t want to waste your time on these normal blocks. Instead, you will want to use the Atari Breakout hack, to increase your score! You can hack the Atari Breakout game relatively easily if you follow the steps below. When you hit the ball with the side of the paddle the ball can go off in a random direction which in turn can make it more difficult to catch it on the next bounce.

Game Development: Breakout in JavaScript

If we run this program now, you’ll see the atari breakout javascript for a slight moment before it runs off the screen. Let’s implement some collision to make sure that doesn’t happen. // We’ll implement these functions later, uncomment them when we finish writing each function. I’ve included a reference table below of all the p5.js functions that we’ll use in this workshop. As always, make sure to reference the official documentation for more in-depth information on these functions.

The original iPod even had Breakout installed as an Easter egg that could be accessed by holding down the center button for a few seconds. The aim of the game is simple, you have to destroy all the blocks using the ball. The difficult part is lining yourself up so you don’t miss it. Now I know playing a game that is challenging can be frustrating but how difficult a level is can be relative. Try to figure out which portion of the level has easier access that will allow the ball to bounce around without you needing to constantly hit it. Small adjustments like that can help you win in the scenario of the ball bouncing wildly which always seems to make you lose the level.

When we talk about legendary games, Breakout is on the list. By modern standards, the game is pretty simple but in 1976, the year I was born, it was revolutionary. Ten years later, the concept found new legs with Taito’s 1986 Arkanoid, which itself spawned dozens of imitators. You can define an object constructor function that will create a brick object.

The objective is to destroy bricks in the top of the window. In this version, the trajectory of the ball will randomly change every time it hits a wall, making the game much more challenging. An occasional target region on the paddle will appear, which will act as a powerup.

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